While working as a Consultant & Freelancer, I was able to collaborate with a series of clients. Claud is a Portuguese artist, who released her first album in 2006. This project was a multi-platform release, and as such, I worked in tandem with the artist, to understand not only the music that was at the core of the project, but also and equally important, to gather further insight into how the artist wanted to present herself. This collaboration resulted in a series of moodboards, which encapsulated ideas captured from Fashion Magazines, Music Magazines, Artists who influenced the artist, trends, and her own sense of style and uniqueness. The work produced for the CD and CD Singles, promotional sheets, extended to the Digital world, including of course, a Website, MySpace, Blogs, Twitter, all social media available. I was responsible for the Research, Information Architecture, Creative Direction, Visual Design, UI Copy, Front-End Implementation of the web product. This Website was published in the book "Web Design Index By Content Vol3." on March of 2008 by the Pepin Press publishing house.